Hey There!
I am Jenni
My love of photography began when my oldest son, Jack, was little and I wanted to remember every little move he made. Now, when I'm not taking pictures of my kiddos, I love taking photos of our camping trips, nature, and anything rusty I can find.
Some things about me:
I am a sensitive introvert, and happily married to my husband Ryan, with two little boys. I have my degree in Early Childhood Education, and currently work a couple of days a week as a teacher's aide at the boy's elementary school, along with running my small business.
Typically our house is a mix of chaos, happy squeals that can occasionally turn into crying, and lots of love. We also have a beagle mix named Maisy, who is known to add to the chaos with her wild puppy energy, lol!
Anyway, I guess that's all for now! Feel free to pop into my inbox to say hi, can't wait to talk to you soon!