Hey There!

I am Jenni

My love of photography began when my oldest son, Jack, was little and I wanted to remember every little move he made. Now, when I'm not taking pictures of my kiddos, I love taking photos of our camping trips, nature, and anything rusty I can find. 

Some things about me:

I am an sensitive introvert, and happily married to my husband Ryan, with two little boys. Typically our house is a mix of chaos, happy squeals that can occasionally turn into crying, and lots of love. We have a beagle mix named Maisy, who has lots of wild puppy energy, and a tripod tabby cat named Blue.

I am so excited that Spring (almost summer!) is here! Lately I have been working in the garden and we are currently doing some home renovations which include painting the exterior of our house.

We are looking forward to summer vacation, and will be taking the boys to Disneyland for the first time! It is going to be so much fun. We also have some camping trips coming up. Camping is our happy place, even Masiy likes it, lol!

Anyway, I guess that's all for now! Feel free to pop into my inbox to say hi, I'd love some recommendations for a new sci-fi show to watch. Can't wait to talk to you soon! 

sun flare